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Are You Changing From the Inside Out

Writer's picture: Cooking for Health with Timah Cooking for Health with Timah

Ever since I began sharing my story on social media the main question I've been asked is "Do I have to change the way I eat?" The quick and easy response would be to say, "Yes," because it's best for your physical body and healing. Real transformation begins from within and happening with plant-based foods is just one step in the journey. Changing from the Inside Out is not only creating a new relationship with food but also a new relationship with yourself. Through plant-based nutrition, meditation, and other holistic healing practices, you learn to find true inner balance and peace.

Healing is changing from the inside out. It's about finding out the root cause of the issue and working through it. With healing energy and plant-based food, you can help..
Healing is changing from the inside out. It's about finding out the root cause of the issue and working through it. With healing energy and plant-based food, you can help

Healing was considered as treating the body with something to get it to feel better. That could be food or medication. If you have uterine fibroids or a prostate disorder the doctor may want to heal you by cutting on you or flooding your body with chemicals. Maybe a naturopathic healer would tell you to eat specific foods. That's not healing but a bandage. Healing is changing from the inside out. It's about finding out the root cause of the issue and working through it. With healing energy and plant-based food, you can help your body heal itself. This type of healing nourishes your body, mind, and soul to bring balance and well-being.

So, food is more than what we take in our mouths as sustenance. It's everything we take into ourselves not solely sustenance in the form of fruits, vegetables, and grain. As a child, I recall hearing about how black people were targets for destruction. Either there was something put on or into the body to study the reaction that ultimately had an unhealthy or detrimental outcome. That knowledge fed my curiosity to know more. While I attended Tuskegee University, I learned of the syphilis experiment on black men and many other terrible things being put into the bodies of black women and people in general.

I say all that to say this. The cells had to digest the substance that was forcibly put into them. Thereby causing a reaction within the mind, and the blood, ultimately manifesting as some malignant thing. By understanding the chemical makeup of the food we eat, we can make informed decisions about what we put into our bodies and begin to transform our health from the inside out. This helps us make better food choices by understanding the chemical makeup of what we eat. With this knowledge, we can make sure we are getting the right nutrients and avoiding harmful chemicals. This is how to take control of our health and start changing from the inside out today.

As the elders have stated, black people were targeted for destruction and to come up with specific creations that are not really meant to benefit them. History does show great results that have come out of putting artificial substances into their bodies. Artificial substances can be chemicals as well as food. The study on black skin, eumelanin, with chemicals has led to the creation of several types of artificial melanin known as sunscreen and other types of artificial melanin.

Plant-based food and energy...Cooking for Health with Timah..the journey to healing uterine fibroids.
For at least 200 years there have been great strides in creating artificial foods for one reason or another. To feed a population or control the population.

For at least 200 years there have been great strides in creating artificial foods for one reason or another. To feed a population or control the population. I'm referring to foods that are unnatural to this planet and are created by men. Here's a great example of this.

The domesticated cow is not a natural animal, but the Bison and Auroch are. This subjugated food supply breaks down and is demolished and starts over. Be it from mad cow disease, foot and Mouth disease, bovine Viral Diarrhoea, Botulism, and the list continues. "Dr. Hu, of Harvard University, says that an accumulated body of evidence shows a clear link between high intake of red and processed meats and a higher risk for heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and premature death." Is this because it's an artificial animal that's highly acidic or because we tend to overdo eating? I don't know the answer to that for you. Also, I would say that's something each person needs to evaluate within themselves. What I can say is, if our eumelanin body is alkaline based, not that all processes are alkaline within the body, then overburdening it with acidic foods and other foodstuffs will change it from the inside out. Also, holding onto harmful foods in the form of negative thoughts is destructive to our spiritual body and physical anatomy, and changes us from the inside out. The brain goes through a process of digesting, elimination, and resting. So, those negative thoughts in our mind resonate on a low vibration of filth that verberates throughout our nervous system and floods our bloodstream. And the indicated alters us on a cellular level. Hence dis-ease is the ultimate manifestation because food is more than what we eat.

Healing is changing from the inside out. It's about finding out the root cause of the issue and working through it. With healing energy and plant-based food, you can help
Healing is changing from the inside out. It's about finding out the root cause of the issue and working through it. With healing energy and plant-based food, you can help

Now, after saying all of that, I must say this. I mentioned what happened to black and brown bodies in the past through trickery or force. However, what about today when I'm asked, "Do I have to change the way I eat?" Well, in more ways than one, there has to be a change to move forward.

This is a part of you looking to yourself and loving yourself without limits. Saying I choose to be accountable for the direction of my total health and well-being. Then, moving in the way to make it so. But what does this accountability look like? First, we must truly see ourselves for how we are causing the hurt. It's not an easy task to say I did this to myself or I allowed this to happen. Yes, I was a willing participant in this due to my ignorance.

There can't be total blame placed on the company making the food and drugs or the lawmakers behind approving it. Are we forced to partake in anything, but we can say I won't bother with that company or lawmaker and that foodstuff! It's not completely their fault that we are now hardwired to harm ourselves. It's us not saying no more and then acting accordingly. There's a plethora of information circulating 'till not knowing is not a good excuse anymore. And that is an excuse because we have a brain and a mind that allows us to think, read, then do. So, again, do you have to change the way you eat? It's ultimately a personal choice to move forward or stay as we are. But when we can and do: We open up and imagine the new realities and relationships within ourselves that awaits.

But, what if we do look at it differently and viewed it as a holistic approach to healing from the inside out? Foods and energy play an important role in that approach. Eating nutritious, delicious foods, and incorporating energy-healing practices into your daily routine can help you heal your body, mind, and spirit. By nourishing your body with the right foods, and infusing it with positive energy, you can create a powerful healing environment.

Our healing from the inside starts with self-love and self-care. It's about being mindful of what we put into our bodies and our minds. We can choose to nourish ourselves with healthy foods and positive energy, and to make time for activities that bring joy and peace. We can learn to be gentle with ourselves and make decisions that honor our bodies and our hearts. With a little bit of self-love and self-care, our inner healing can begin and our true selves can be revealed. What do you think? Sound off in the comments.

The magic is within us.

Your Fairy goddess

Timah A.E.

Dr. Sebi pointed out some of the unnatural foods and you can receive that list by going to the Dr. Sebi Cell Food website. So too with carrots, apples, broccoli, Cavendish bananas, most oranges, strawberries, kale, and many other foods.

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